About us

Celebrate . Engage. Empower

Our mission: Empowering teachers, families, and students to connect & thrive by celebrating the day together.

What we do: Celebrate teachers, engage families, and empower students.

How we do it: First, we’re building a brand & community around celebrating teachers. This Fall, we are launching our teacher community on Instagram, where we will share a daily teacher wellness challenge + giveaway. Next is through our classroom celebration app. We’re striving to give teachers the simplest & most engaging way to celebrate the school day with families. We’re currently in beta and are excited to expand the beta to welcome more teachers who are passionate about family engagement to join us on this journey. Finally, we believe in giving back to support the people/world around us. As we grow, we will work alongside our community & partners to give back to organizations that are aligned with our mission & values.

Why we do it: Family engagement is crucial and data shows that it’s a proven contributor to student achievement. We believe that lowering the effort/work for teachers while making it more engaging for families will help strengthen the relationship between teachers & parents and ultimately impact student success & wellness. Finally, we believe that teachers deserve to be celebrated as everyday heroes. They’re irreplaceable, and what they do every day for their students & families matters. We’re doing our tiny part to celebrate teachers and their daily impact while trying to inspire joy into their passion-filled day.